Alex B.

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Thursday, December 18, 2014


I'm soooo excited for the holiday party tomorrow at school. I have to remember to wrap my white elephant gifts in newspaper before tomorrow. I wish I didn't put it off 'till tomorow because no, I'm really worried I will forget. I hope that writing it down like I am doing right now will help. My aunt always says that t helps you remember things if you write them down. I agree.

Today, during class, Ellie and I took turns FaceTiming in Mahlah so she didn't miss her classes. Even though she's in Joseph and Ellie and I are in Roberts, no one else had her as a contact so she had to do our schedule instead. Mahlah could not come because she had a fever but she was feeling well enough to go to school virtually for some time. I showed her my very, very, very, very, very, very, very boring choice hour, Pioneer Days. It's pretty much just extra schoolwork that you have to do. Just a long hour of research. Yes, you read that right: R-E-S-E-A-R-R-C-H; Research. Uugh. I hate it. that is why I can't wait 'till the third quarter.

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