Alex B.

I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B.I'm Alex B...;)

Friday, December 12, 2014

Theives Part 1: The Beginning

            "And at Central Pineway Bank, the security guards are being questioned by the police as we speak."

            I (10 years old) was sitting in the living room, on the couch, next to my best friends, Ellie and Sophia (both 10 years old) along with my cousin, Brad (9) and Sophia's six-year-old brother, James, with his hands on his face and his eyes wide like the kid in Home Alone as he watched the news with us. Dad turned the TV off. "Why don't you guys go play outside or something?"

            "Sure, Dad."

            It was a nice, warm spring day so I thew on a jacket along with Brad, Sophia, and Ellie. James wanted to come along too but, knowing him, he would just get in our way so, while everyone walked outside to the front lawn, I quickly got some bubbles for him and headed outside. "Hey, James, catch!" I said and tossed the bubbles toward him. I figured it was fine to toss it to him since he was pretty much the best player on his little league baseball team. He caught it one handed and opened the bubbles right away. I got everyone to gather by the tree in the middle of our lawn. "Guys, I have an idea" I said.

            "Uuuuuuuuuuh..." said Sophia, looking confused.
            "Yeah, Alex, what are you talking about?" Ellie said.
            "The news?" Brad questioned.
            "Exactly!!" I replied, "The bank robbery!"
            "What about it?" asked Ellie.
            "What's wrong with the bank robbery?" Sophia asked.
            "Really, Sophia? That's like asking what's wrong with asking an ostrich out on a date while, meanwhile, the ostrich is peeing in your swimming pool!" I answered. We all started cracking up.

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